FPS Valves
FPS is a leader in reliable, cost-effective shut-off valve technology. Our automatic
and manual shut-off valves are in service in industries the world over.
Be it pulp and paper, petrochemical or power boiler applications, FPS valves
provide low maintenance, leak-proof and fail-safe operation.
Fossil CSA B149.3 compliant valves are also CSA 6.5 C/I rated for use on large fired-appliances (> BTU).
FPS CSA Approved Valves: FPS CSA valves are approved for use on CSA B149.3 systems. Our CSA valve
assemblies are registered with CSA and have undergone operational, durability,
electrical and leak testing to comply with the following standards:
Automatic Valves:
- CSA 6.5 Automatic Shut-off Valves for Gas Appliances C/I
Manual Valves:
- CGA Interim Requirement No. 60 Lever Operated Gas Shut-off Valves
(This standard covers all requirements of CGA 3.16 but specifies a higher allowable
process pressure.)
FPS Factory Mutual (FM) Approved Valves
FPS FM valves are registered with Factory Mutual, a requirement for any shutoff
valve to be installed in an FM insured commercial or industrial application. - FM valves are tested and approved to the following standard:
Automatic Valves:
●● FM Class 7400 Liquid and Gas Safety Shut-off Valves
FPS offers valves with dual approval, these models are registered with both CSA and
FM. Please consult factory for configurations and component selection.